Holla App
With nightclub spend and attendances in significant decline, especially amongst 18-25 year old audiences, the continual growth of online dating and social media has redefined how consumers engage with each other and is challenging the traditional ‘nightlife’ model. To re-engage nightlife consumers, Holla is a new platform that unites traditional entertainment formats and new engaging technology.
I was briefed with designing the layout of multiple screens which were the core functions of the app; voting for songs, Tinder style ‘left/right swipe’ system to connect with other students in the venue, picture shout-outs and push notifications.
The key element of each screen is functionality, clarity, ease of use and communication; a lot of white breathing space, simple navigation and clear visuals are emphasised to keep the user engaged and feeling in control.

The logo is cohesive with the overall branding; clean, bold and minimal. It is primarily aimed at a student audience and should catch their attention and stand out against other apps in an online store. This is reflected in the fun, upbeat colour scheme and bold shapes.
The ‘H’ is split to represent two people meeting and being connected, the core concept behind the platform.